Vail Elementary

Temecula, Calif

Products: TuffWall®

Colors: Light Stone, Terra Cotta

Designer: TLS Choice, Santa Ana, Calif.

IMP Installer: Pascal Steel Corporation, Encinitas, Calif.

Completion Date: September 2020

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“The interior space can be designed for any needs the district requires. Because we use a moment-frame design, it allows for flexibility in location of doors and windows. We use Metl-Span insulated roof and wall panels, allowing the client to select style, color and thickness to meet the district specification and campus aesthetics.”
Corey McElhinney TLS Choice

Metl-Span insulated metal panels help speed up school completion

LEWISVILLE, Texas, January 26, 2021 – If you make it simple, they will build it.

To simplify the entire process of constructing a K-12 school building, TLS Choice of Santa Ana, Calif., has developed plans for building systems of various sizes, already Division of the State Architect (DSA) pre-checked. The CUUBE by TLS Choice is a pre-engineered building, using pre-approved building plans that utilize pre-sourced and pre-verified materials and components, including insulated metal roofing and wall panels from Metl-Span.

“Because all CUUBE buildings have gone through the DSA approval process for the structural components, they do not have to be re-evaluated when submitted for the site-specific plan review,” says Corey McElhinney, Project Manager at TLS Choice. “Using one of our pre-engineered CUUBE DSA-approved PC plans can save the district up to six months.”

McElhinney points out that TLS stands for “Total Learning Space.” The initial CUUBE project was Vail Elementary School in Temecula, Calif. She says two more projects broke ground in December 2020 and several more are in pricing stages.

“We offer nine options for the shell of the building,” McElhinney says. “The interior space can be designed for any needs the district requires. Because we use a moment-frame design, it allows for flexibility in location of doors and windows. We use Metl-Span insulated roof and wall panels, allowing the client to select style, color and thickness to meet the district specification and campus aesthetics.”

The wall panels for Vail Elementary were Metl-Span’s CF36 with a TuffWall® exterior finish in Light Stone color to provide the appearance of stucco. The 36-inch-wide panels with a 2-1/2-inch urethane core boast an 18 R-value. Pascal Steel Corporation of Encinitas, Calif., installed 5,766 square feet of wall panels and 6,844 square feet of insulated roofing panels in a Terra Cotta finish. The 42-inch-wide roof panels are 3 inches thick.

“This was a great project to be a part of and we’ve got two more on the books,” says Tim DePascale, Project Manager for Pascal Steel. “This school will be the flagship for future projects. While we were onsite, there were numerous walk-throughs with other school districts, so it has great potential.”

Pascal Steel is used to installing insulated metal panels on cold storage buildings and other industrial type facilities. The use of IMPs on schools may be unique now, but it could take off.

“The design plans make it easy to erect,” DePascale says. “Everything is thought out ahead of time. We still have work to do onsite as far as ductwork and doors and windows, but it’s all laid out in the plans. Insulated metal panels work because they achieve the energy codes for heating and cooling requirements in California.”

DePascale enjoys going back to take a look at the completed project. “With the TuffWall finish on the insulated metal panels, it has a durable stucco appearance,” he says. “It’s a great idea and it’s pretty simple to erect.”

Metl-Span is a NUCOR® company. (NYSE: NUE ); delivering high-quality, durable and energy-efficient insulated metal panels designed for unparalleled performance to stand the test of time.

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